May the force be with me

I have been working on this since May (I would like to say since May the fourth, but that would be a lie!), and I really do need to summon up some midichlorians or something to get me through to the end! Four more rebel alliance squares and a chunky border to go….

A link to all the patterns is on my ravelry project page here.







Brag brag brag

Warning. This is a total utter brag. But $&€# it – my blog, my boy, my brag!

The lego king brought home his first semester report today. As well as getting a tick in best box for EVERY SINGLE category, the teacher had this to say:

“[the lego king] is a fabulous student who works well in class. He is a thinker, who will often question why and how certain things are done. He presents interesting and often different news, which reflects his own personality. [the lego king] works well in Literacy and Numeracy groups, and is able to work independently when necessary. His work is always beautifully neat. [the lego king] has made many new friends and is very happy out in the playground”.

Ahhhh, so happy, so proud. This time last year I would have described the lego king as a shy, anxious and nervous kid who was terrified of being away from me, new people, and telling news at preschool. If he hadn’t already been spoilt rotten for his birthday yesterday I think that report definitely deserves lego!

Love my boy xxx

Cowl #7

I think this is about the seventh version of this cowl I have made now, using Rowan Colourscape Chunky. It’s always so fun seeing which colour is coming next! This one is for a friend who has been recently diagnosed with breast cancer and has to have chemo on her birthday 😦 Hoping this will keep her snug and warm and cheery through what will probably be quite a hard winter for her.


Cake time…

My boys are growing up! The lego king turns six (6!!!!!!!) next Wednesday, and tiny (well, galumphing) Pudding turns one the day after. So its cake making central at our house.

I made this little birdie cake for my bird-loving baby. I imagine it will be my last chance to make something whimsical and sweet before he can talk and demand trucks and monsters and robots! At the moment he can only say “mum mum mum”, “bub bub bub” and “bird” (and dadadada) so i reckon this cake fits the bill.


I demand a new hat

When one of the boys in the king’s kindy class got a new baby brother, I made him a tiny monkey earflap hat. I felt a bit awkward giving it to the dad as we don’t really know each other except by sight. That was about 8 weeks ago.

When I rocked up to school on Tuesday for my first go as a helper in literacy groups, the boy ran up to me and firmly, but politely, told me that his brother had grown out of the hat and it was time to make him a new one!

So here is a puppy ready for special delivery this afternoon!



The pattern is from RepeatCrafterMe.